The British Federation for Historical Swordplay


Some activities, such as re-enactment, require authentic-looking equipment and thus cannot be undertaken in the usual protection that would be worn. It is still possible to select equipment to give the best available protection, but this might be of a lower level than seems desirable. The answer is to regulate activity to the protection available – if re-enactment equipment does not offer the same level of protection as what would be normally worn for sparring, then sparring should not be engaged in. Re-enactment combat is different to sparring in the class in any case; so long as the activity does not exceed the capabilities of the protection worn then there will be no undue hazard.

Similar comments apply to the use of sharp or ‘live’ blades for test cutting or experimentation with sharp-edge binds. These are not normal class activities; a wise rule is not to allow any sharp blades in the training area unless there is a special circumstance of which everyone is aware. On those occasions where sharps are in use, appropriate protection should be worn in case of accidents. Activities must, as always, be regulated to ensure they remain safe.

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